How Does Our System Work?
The My DNR Wish System is designed to make it as easy as possible for first responders to locate and follow a person's end-of-life medical wishes, specifically their Do Not Resuscitate (DNR), Clinician's Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (COLST), or advanced directive medical documents.
Curious about these documents and which one is for you or want to take a deeper dive into you wishes?
You'll be excited to hear about our new FREE My Healthcare Wishes Workbook that includes the differences between documents, which each one does, communicating wishes to others, conversation starters, health facts, research, and much more information, bundled in an all in one resource, just for you!
Our system is headlined by our My DNR Wish Kit which includes the following:
- Custom 'door pocket': It is made from durable, 100% wool felt from recycled sound board material and is designed to be mounted on the inside of your front door. There are 6 colors to choose from and it's brightly colored to be easily visible to emergency personnel.
- Sticker for the front of your door: This sticker alerts first responders that there is a DNR or other medical documents located on the inside on the door within the pocket.
Hooks for your door: The hooks that are included to hang up the door pocket in the Kit are easy to install and have a peel-off adhesive layer that allows anyone to install them on the inside of their front door.
- Your desired medical document: At checkout, you can choose for us to include an end-of-life medical document of your choice as well as your state so we can send you the proper document(s).
- Install page: We also include an install page with images that clearly demonstrates how to put everything in proper place.
Our System in Steps:
Let's imagine a scenario to easily visualize the system. Imagine you are 90 years old and are bound to your bed, home, or room by a serious illness and have a DNR or POLST order with the accompanying My DNR Wish Kit. One day, you experience a wave of discomfort and you or someone contacts 911. The first responders arrive and come to your door. What now?
- They arrive at your door and will see the 'See behind door for DNR' sticker and immediately know where your wishes are located and that a DNR or similar document is present and to look for it.
- They will open the door and then look on the backside of the door, as instructed on the sticker, and see your unobstructed, easily visible and accessible My DNR Wish Kit containing all relevant and important information.
- The first responders will then look over your DNR/POLST/advance directive documents and know exactly what to do or what not to do, essentially as soon as they enter the home.
This enables care almost immediately and completely eliminates the risk of time spent looking for the documents during an emergency when each second could be life or death. With your wishes clearly displayed and easily accessible, you can almost guarantee your wishes will be honored, no matter your situation. This assurance that your wishes are safe enable you and your loved ones to live life free of worry and empowers you to end life the way YOU want to.
My DNR Wish and our System empowers you to:
Proactively plan your end-of-life care
Clearly communicate your healthcare wishes to loved ones and medical professionals
Ensures your values and wishes are honored
Brings you and your family peace of mind during a critical time